Is it possible to use Taobao in English? This is one of the most frequent question and the answer is: YES!! There are a lot of tools that give us a leg in our searching process, making easy to find the products we need. The reason why the page is in Mandarin is because this platform is intended for China’s consumers, so buying in Taobao without intermediaries is almost impossible, unless you have a friend there.
How to change the language in Taobao
ou’ll need a translator. You can use the Google translator page or plugins depending on your internet browser (Google Chrome browser, Mozilla Firefox or Safari). But it doesn’t end there, if you want to browse the page to search the products you want, you can also use the photo search feature of the Taobao App.
You have a large selection of agents to buy in Taobao (China) available, they have within their services assisted buying or (Buy for Me) and you can browse these pages with the information in English. It’s like having Taobao in English.
An example of what you just read will be found on the
One of the intermediaries that has its website in English is Yoybuy, it is one of the few that has the service in our language.
Recommendations when translating Taobao into English
- Don’t use a translator when you’re registering your account.
- Avoid using the translator in the final purchase process.
- Try not to use a translator when making any changes to your Taobao account.
Remember that when you translate the Taobao page directly, (Taobao in English) you are using the service of a third party and this will affect its internal functioning, that is when for security your user account is blocked. Don’t do it!. Success in your purchases.
And remember to visit our Youtube channel Taobao Haul